

Acid Wash

Support DJ Nocturna

Clove smoker friendly

To those who have not yet been to Thirtyninehotel, there's a nice little back open air area with a bar and tables. While everyone there is fully aware of the legality of smoking in such an area, people light up a smoke with drink in hand. From what I've gathered from the staff, if you choose to enter that area you are making a conscious decision to do so. So don't complain or you can go back inside. As a test to thier willingness of these types of patrons; I lit up a clove several times. At no point was I approached or given looks or comments about the smell that some people don't like.

As this is such a treasure and hidden secret; please help us to keep it from being too much.

Order Absinthe at a bar

Recently, I've discovered that Thirtyninehotel sells absinthe at thier bar. Naturally, since the original or "real" absinthe is still illegal in the U.S. they sell the Lucid type absinthe; Lucid be the type and not the label. The price ranges from $8 to $10; depending on the night I suppose. They also do not make in the traditional way with the spoon, sugar, and fountian. But, the stuff they have is good enough to drink straight up with small amount of ice to dilute and chill it a bit.

Salutations from the Scene {Home}

Welcome to the Nephilim Halls. This site is dedicated to the Hawaii scene we all love and enjoy. What scene you ask? In this passing era evolution has been slowly merging subtly all the scenes into a unity of music, art, culture, and philosophy. This site is simply the marker and catalyst for this change. Most notably our darker and lesser known Goth, Industrial, EBM, Ethereal, and SynthPop scenes. The ushers of this evolution grouped together to use this cultural evolution to reclaim the scenes position in the nightlife and to expand on it.
We are of the scene to revive the scene. Like the Tree of Life, we shall grow in size and branch off to bear new fruits of Music, Art, and Culture. Our leaves shall sproat forth to take in the Light of Unity and Rain of Respect to cast an impenetrable shadow on the world.
We will never stop working to achieve this goal. While we may be quite and unheard from we have not forgotten about it. While some may say that the scene is dead, small, or what have you. We will continue on. We would promise this, but a promise would not be enough. Not only is it our passion, but also our motivation. As long as there is music and mischief we will continue. It just may take longer than hoped.

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